Language courses and services for companies
Language courses and services for companies
TESL language school in Lugano offers language courses in English, German, French and Spanish aimed at meeting the specific needs of small, medium-sized or large companies. We conduct a language assessment that allows us to plan the most appropriate language courses to help our customers overcome their difficulties and achieve their goals. Courses can take place either at the company itself or at our office in Lugano.
In addition, we offer translation and proofreading services for specialised texts in various fields and languages: English, German, French, Spanish, etc.
We always recommend a language assessment before starting a long-term language course, as it allows us to outline a programme that is precise and relevant to the specific needs of our learners. In addition, the language assessment helps our teachers to prepare materials appropriate to the level and difficulties of our students and in particular to aim for realistic and achievable goals.
The purpose of the language assessment is to verify general knowledge (grammar and vocabulary) as well as competence in receptive areas (listening and reading) and productive areas (speaking and writing). We always endeavour to get to know our future students thoroughly and take their professional ambitions into consideration, without forgetting personal interests, secret passions and dreams.
In addition to checking the general language level, we are happy to carry out more specific needs assessments on request, such as suitability for placement in executive roles.
To be successful in the age of globalisation, it is necessary to communicate and understand large amounts of information, but also to recognise subtle varieties of style and meaning. There are increasing numbers of advanced language skills required by companies, especially in today’s competitive and complex labour market.
Our courses focus on working situations that are often faced by today’s office workers, such as presentations, meetings and interviews. Communication via e-mail, telephone, video calls or other media is practised. Considerable emphasis is also placed on negotiation skills and expanding one’s professional network through networking. Upon request we are happy to offer interview simulations for various work situations in order to help our students approach their professional life with confidence, pleasure and without tension or shame. Students are invited to communicate and exchange ideas freely. In fact, we always help our students to express their deepest business values through a new language.
We do not simply offer in-company general language courses, but rather a language immersion that takes into account the needs and requirements of each individual customer. We always pay close attention to the data gathered during the language assessment: our courses are elastically adapted according to the results of the needs analysis.
Lessons can take place either at our premises in the centre of Lugano or at your company to guarantee your employees an enjoyable and stress-free language course. In particular, we are happy to offer English and German courses taught by native speakers with experience in corporate teaching.

Per avere successo nell’era della globalizzazione è necessario comunicare e comprendere notevoli quantità di informazioni, ma anche riconoscere sottili varietà di stile e di significato. Sono sempre più numerose e avanzate le competenze linguistiche richieste dalle aziende, soprattutto in un mercato del lavoro competitivo e complesso come quello attuale.
I nostri corsi si focalizzano su vere situazioni lavorative che vengono spesso affrontate dagli impiegati di oggi, come presentazioni, riunioni e colloqui. Si esercita la comunicazione via e-mail, telefono, video-chiamate o altri media. Notevole importanza viene data inoltre alla capacità di negoziare e di allargare la propria rete di contatti professionali tramite networking. Su richiesta siamo felici di offrire simulazioni di colloquio per varie realtà lavorative al fine di aiutare i nostri allievi ad affrontare la loro vita professionale con fiducia, piacere e senza tensioni o vergogna. Gli studenti sono invitati a comunicare e a scambiare liberamente le proprie idee. Infatti, aiutiamo sempre i nostri allievi ad esprimere i loro più profondi valori aziendali attraverso una nuova lingua.
Non offriamo semplicemente corsi di lingua generale svolti in azienda, bensì un’immersione linguistica che prende in considerazione le esigenze e i bisogni di ogni singolo cliente. Prestiamo sempre molta attenzione ai dati rilevati nel corso della valutazione linguistica: i nostri corsi si adattano elasticamente in base ai risultati delle analisi dei fabbisogni.
Le lezioni possono avere luogo sia presso la nostra sede in centro a Lugano sia presso la vostra azienda per garantire ai vostri impiegati un percorso linguistico piacevole e privo di stress. In particolare siamo felici di offrire corsi di inglese e di tedesco svolti da docenti madrelingua e con esperienza nell’insegnamento aziendale.
Translations and language consultancy
Translations and language consultancy
We offer free, no-obligation quotations for a wide range of translation and proofreading services in numerous languages and for many professional sectors.
We do written translations in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese and on request also in other languages. We process legal, commercial, technical, bureaucratic, computer, scientific and advertising texts as well as personal and family documents.
On request, we offer the following specialised services:
- Grammatical and/or stylistic correction of texts (also already translated)
- Summaries of texts (also in other languages)
- Comparison and reprinting of translations (possibly done by us previously)
- Sworn translations with authentication TESL LUGANO
- Complete procedure for apostille or legalisation
- Layout and printing process